De er GODE venner de to...
..selv om søskensjalusien dukker opp innimellom..
Marie stråler når storesøster, Ingrid,
kommer inn i rommet!
Marie har fått dress fra Amerika..
Den var egentlig til Halloween, men fikk ikke
brukt den da. Var ho ikke søt?
..lille Marie fra Aristokattene..
Ho smiler hele tiden,
griner nesten aldri!
Vi kunne ikke vært heldigere.
Marie and Ingrid playing with Maries bathdoll from USA, thanks Randi!
The dress is also from Randi and Jenni, isnt she cute?
I and M are good friends, sometimes a little jealous, but they love eachother..
Marie brighten up everytime Ingrid comes into the room.
Ingrid got a computer with mouse from Santa and she lets her sister try it.
Marie is such a happy baby!
She smiles all the time and almost never cries.
We couldnt have been more lucky.
5 kommentarer:
I am so glad that they enjoyed the gifts! Marie looks adorable in the outfit! :) Ingrid really seems to like the doll! :)
oh yes.. they both love the doll.. Ingrid is used to having it all and she cant understand that its Maries doll.. hehe
Du har så masse nydelig tøy til jentene dine at jeg blir rent misunnelig! hvis jeg skulle vaska alt av ingrid sitt tøy så hadde det holdt med EN maskin hehe.. Og jentene dine er bare så vidunderlige at jeg har ikke ord.. og blide er de, begge to!
Hehe.. ja de er iallefall blide når de får det som de vil... eller, Marie er blid uansett..
Men utrolig å glad en kan bli i to sånne små..
its been a while since i've visited your blog...where do i begin!!!...the bath px were adorable, especially when the doll is peeing on Marie's head :)...the Christmas px were great and all that snow!!!...looking forward to seeing you in August!...xoxo
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